Selasa, November 26, 2013

[MiniseriCuitan] 'The Peace Keeper' (1997) dan salah satu pelajaran berharga yang dapat diambil

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[KutipanPelem] 'The Peace Keeper' (1997) dan salah satu pelajaran berharga yang dapat diambil

Catatan ini saya tulis mengacu pada salah satu kutipan dari pelem thn 1997, 'The Peace Keeper' yang berkisah tentang konflik (buatan para pemuja Iblis) pemecah negara Yugoslavia menjadi Serbia, Kroasia dan Bosnia Herzegovina.. Ada beberapa poin penting dari kutipan tersebut (dan fakta sejarah):

1. Setelah perang diciptakan, para pemuja iblis menyebar GELEMBUNG SIHIR PROPAGANDA lewat MEDIA UTAMA bahwa orang" di negara terkena konflik tersebut sebagai mahluk/hewan buas yang saling konflik. Padahal (kebanyakan) mereka adalah manusia dan hanya korban. Sayangnya banyak pihak yang tertipu SIHIR PROPAGANDA tersebut. :-(

2. Siapa penyuplai senjata bagi pihak" (korban) konflik (buatan) tersebut? Lagi", ya para pemuja Iblis yang beri persembahan pada Moloch.. atau Ares(?), sang Dewa Perang..

3. Emangnya apa dampak dari konflik (buatan) tersebut? Memecah (wilayah) negara yang akan dijajah; dan menggambar/membuat perbatasan (baca: memecah wilayah) negara" tersebut dengan tinta, bahkan kalau perlu dengan darah rakyat negara" tersebut (baca: konflik/perang). Untuk apa? Salah satu yang paling jelas adalah untuk melemahkan kekuatan negara" tersebut dibanding saat mereka masih utuh/bersatu dalam bentuk negara yang lebih besar..

4. Siapa yang menggambar perbatasan negara" tersebut? 'Penguasa Barat' atau dari link di bawah ini, (penguasa nya) penguasa Amrik. Kata dalam kurung di kalimat sebelumnya adalah tambahan dari saya.

Kritik, saran maupun tambahan ulasan untuk topik ini ditunggu, broh/sis.. :-)


Quote from Dusan Gavrich “I am a Serb, I am a Croat, I am a Muslim. You will look at what I have done and say, Of course - why not - they are all animals. They have slaughtered each other for centuries. But the truth is, I'm not a monster. I'm a human man - I'm just like you, whether you like it or not. For years, we have tried to live together, until a war was waged on us, on all of us: a war waged by our own leaders. And who supplied the Serb cluster bombs, the Croatian tanks, the Muslim artillery shells that killed our sons and daughters? It was the governments of the West who drew the boundaries of our countries - sometimes in ink, sometimes in blood - the blood of our people. And now you dispatch your peacekeepers to write our destiny again. We can never accept this peace that leaves us with nothing but pain, pain the peacemakers must be made to feel. Their wives, their children, their houses and churches. So now you know, now you must understand. Leave us to find our own destiny. May God have mercy on us all. “

Explanation of the Quote The first sentence is the three different ethnicities fighting in Bosnia. He talks about how they never really got along. They tried to live in peace until the war came into effect. Then he talks about the UN supplying weapons so the three different ethnicities can fight. The United States government put the boundaries of the ex-country of Yugoslavia. The government wrote in documents and let the people of Bosnia die. The government sent the UN to discover peace, but they don’t help, they just make things worse by destroying lives and others. Lastly, Dusan states to let them find their own peace. He actually makes sense because its in the three ethnicities to find peace, and not others. The UN can’t just force peace, the groups have to find it on their own. To be a country, they must act on their own. Of course they should have help, but don’t let other countries decide for them. This can speak for any country in the world, such as Iraq.

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